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About WLED
WLED is an open-source microcontroller firmware, designed to control individually addressable LEDs. WLED offers a user-friendly web interface, mobile app compatibility, and integration with popular smart home systems like Home Assistant, Alexa, and Google Home.

Installation Instructions

Step 1: Power On the Lamp

  1. Connect the Lamp to Power: Plug in your lamp to a power outlet using the provided power adapter. The lamp should power on, and its WLED firmware will start broadcasting a WiFi network.

Step 2: Connect to the WLED WiFi Network

  1. Look for the WLED WiFi Network: On your smartphone, tablet, or computer, search for available WiFi networks. You should see a network named WLED-AP.

  2. Connect to the WLED Network: Join the WLED WiFi network. The default password is wled1234.

Step 3: Configure the WLED WiFi Settings

  1. Access the WLED Web Interface: Once connected to the WLED network, open a web browser and navigate to This will take you to the WLED configuration interface.

  2. Set Up Your Home WiFi Connection:

    • Go to WiFi Settings.

    • Enter your home WiFi SSID (network name) and password.

    • Save the settings, and the lamp will disconnect from the WLED network and connect to your home network.

  3. Find the Lamp's IP Address: After connecting to your home network, you need to find the lamp’s IP address. You can do this by checking the list of devices in your router.

Step 4: Access the WLED Interface from Your Network

  1. Open the WLED Interface: Enter the IP address you found in the previous step into your web browser. This will take you to the WLED control panel for your lamp.

  2. From here you can adjust the settings to your liking.

Additional options

  1. WLED also has an app available for Android and iOS to control the lamp.

  2. You can integrate WLED into populair home controle software like Home Assistant, Google Home and Alexa.

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